Rlc Chia Lin ‘New City’ AM/AOS mericlone


Availability: 11 in stock

This standard Cattleya with wonderful large dark burgundy flowers and a lovely fragrance is one of the best of the Blc Oconee progeny. This is a clone of the awarded variety and has been very popular for use in breeding dark-flowered varieties (409 registered progeny at last count). See family tree for parentage.

This is this judges description from 2023 when it was awarded an 85 point AM/AOS.

Two dramatic flowers on a 17.2-cm inflorescence; sepals and petals vibrant dark burgundy, petals undulate; lip ruffled, darker burgundy distally, suffused golden yellow centrally with darker burgundy striations; column pale green, suffused lavender, anther cap white; substance medium; texture velvety; pleasant fragrance noted.

These plants are established in 3.5″ pots having been repotted 8/2023 (1-2 years from blooming).

Note: The bluish residue on the leaves is from application of a fungicide to keep the plants safe from fungus. It can easily be wiped off.

For Rlc Chia Lin ‘New City’ selfings, see https://carrborotropicals.com/product/rlc-chai-lin-new-city-am-aos-x-self/

Weight1.5 lbs
Dimensions13 × 5 × 5 in
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