Showing you orchid pictures or selling you plants is great, but helping you keep them alive is even better. This page contains links to various orchid culture topics and is updated periodically.
- Growing orchid plants from flask is a topic that is particularly dear to me since orchid hybridizing is particularly interesting and available to everyone. This topic shows how to repot the orchid plantlets from a flask.
- Phalaenopsis media should never get dry and as such, the plants require repotting every year or 2. This topic describes how to grow and repot Phalaenopsis.
- Cattleyas culture is quite a bit different that what Phalaenopsis require This topic describes how to grow Cattleyas but could also be applied to other non-Vandaceous genera.
- Cattleya repotting can be tricky if you haven’t done it before. This topic includes all steps needed to successfully repot a Cattleya.
- I bought some plugs; what do I do with them?
- There are many other aspects to growing orchids well, and other culture topics will be prepared as time allows.