Contact Information and FAQ


3261 NC Highway 54 W, Chapel Hill,
NC 27516, USA

If you will be in the area and would like to visit our greenhouse, please call or text for an appointment. The greenhouse is closed when no one is around to assist you.

Frequently Asked Question!

All prices for shipped plants will have estimated shipping charges added. If actual shipping charges end up being significantly lower, we will issue a refund for the overcharge.

We do not have the required permits for shipping to Hawaii or internationally. Mainland US shipping only.

We normally ship using the United States Postal Service (USPS) and have had relatively good luck using their services.

We can use other carriers if you prefer, but honestly, even though using Fedex or UPS will typically be significantly more expensive, our success rate with them has typically been no better than with the USPS.

We generally stop shipping before the Christmas holidays and restart shipping in February, due to the freezing temperatures that can be encountered that time of year.

We do monitor weather conditions and sometimes we will hold an order until warmer weather. When we do ship during the winter, we will add heat packs to the box as required.

Our location is difficult to find if you have not been here before and entering our address into GPS will get you lost. To find us, search instead for the Fiesta Grill restaurant at 3307 NC Highway 54 W. You enter our driveway from the rear of their parking lot.

We have no means for accepting physical credit cards at the greenhouse. Cash, check, or Venmo only.

95% of our plants are Cattleya orchids and the majority of them are hybrids. We do have a few Phalaenopsis and other species, but ff you are looking for unusual non-Cattleya species, a visit to our greenhouse might be disappointing.

To see plants in flower, fall is the best time to visit. We always have a few things in bloom, but more than half of our plants bloom between September and December.

We have only a single greenhouse, which means that plants that are not for sale are mixed in with plants that are for sale, and they are not priced or marked in a way that will indicate which are which. Only Bob can make sale or pricing decisions. If that bothers you, then you should probably stick to ordering online.

You can generally bring plants to the greenhouse for repotting. Please let us know the number of plants when you make your appointment. Unless the plants are particularly large, repotting generally takes about 5-10 minutes per plant, so please allow the appropriate amount of time. If you have more than a few plants, you might need to drop them off and come back to pick them u p when they are done. Repotting an average plant costs $6, which covers time and materials.

Due to limited space in our greenhouse, we do not currently provide plant boarding services.

We have a few thousand plants, most of which are immature and not yet blooming size. But a small portion of our mature plants are in bloom at any one time and you are welcome to select from those.

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