About Us
Carrboro Tropicals – Come visit us or just explore our web page from the comfort of your phone or computer.

Potted Orchid Plants
We are a small orchid grower located in the Triangle area of North Carolina, 5 miles west of Carrboro. We sell here on this site, on eBay, and are open by appointment for greenhouse visits.
Our products include potted orchid plants in all sizes from plug to blooming size, be we are limited to mostly Cattleyas plus a few other species. If you are looking for that odd Bulbophyllum, we probably are not your best choice.
All orchid plants being sold are grown by Bob. He has been growing orchids since 1985 and his thing is growing tiny epiphytes into blooming-size plants instead of in selling someone else's plants. Most plants listed here were grown by Bob from flask or plug.
(919) 428-0010
3261 NC Highway 54 W
Chapel Hill, NC 27516

From plugs to mature and blooming size.
We have orchid plants for sale in all sizes, from just out of flask to plants in bloom.